Book Review: Conceptual Breakthroughs in the Evolutionary Biology of Aging
The reductionist scientists have promised that we can cure aging by studying molecular pathways (nutrient sensing, hormonal signalling, IGF-1), searching for small molecules having large effects on metabolism (semaglutide, rapamycin, etc), and genes with large effects (daf-2 in doubles nematode…
Book Review: Lifespan
David Sinclair’s work Lifespan gives a nice overview of the state of longevity research for a lay audience. He describes his theory of aging: As cells cycle between “growth” and “repair” modes, they shuffle proteins in the epigenome to in/activate…
Chinese Herbology
I found out more info on the venerable Li Ching-Yun. He lived for 256 years, died in 1930, and had 14 wives. His longevitiy is attributed to Gotu Kola. essay on longevity recipe for tea translated teachings