I’m not an Economist, but I thought that I’d share a link to a nice article about why we currently face an economic crisis. The Infinite Loan Machine. An examination of the effect of loan securitization on the fractional reserve…

One of the reasons that I’ve decided to spend my life studying Computer Science is its deep connections with philosophy. Mankind has been asking deep philosophical questions for a very long time, but we’ve been able to chip away at…

Wikipedia defines the Teleological Argument as “an argument for the existence of god based on perceived evidence of order, purpose, design, or direction — or some combination of these — in nature.” I’ve always found it a really tough one…

Of course, I would never think that I was the only one to have the idea of studying computer languages from a linguistics point of view. Well, I found an interesting character, by the name of Chris Barker that gave…

Yesterday, I attended a structured debate between William Lane Craig and The Hitch held at Biola University. As far as anyone can win a debate where the opponents talk mostly at cross-purposes, I’d have to give the trophy to Craig….

Recently I’ve been away at a couple of conferences. I presented a (terrible) poster about information flow at ASPLOS/VEE in Washington D.C. a couple weeks back (Mar 9–13). Then I spent finals week back home creating a new (and much…

I did an earlier post about finding a decentralized solution to the Cascade Failure problem. I was fortunate enough to explore this topic a bit more in depth by proposing it as my term project for the Distributed Systems class….

I attended a lecture about the Michael Newdew’s case concerning the constitutionality of the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegience, presented by UCI’s constitutional law prof Donna C. Scheule. These are some notes from that talk, as close…

Last night, I attended another talk with Dan Barker, at Saddleback College; this time about the historical person of Jesus Christ, hosted by the free thinkers club. Again, this is a brief transcription covering all the major points of his…

Tonight I attended a nice speech, Q+A, and Booksigning given by the President of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, Dan Barker. His talk was basically the same as one that can be found elsewhere online, but I took notes anyway….