My friend Ray runs numerical simulations and wanted to have a decent progress bar for his code. A bit of web searching revealed some code, that takes care of this automatically. However, we thought that an ordinary progress bar is…

I’ve noticed in my work recently that documenting my work is one of the most reliable ways of making steady progress. I likely gathered the idea from the internet somewhere, or perhaps from the generous amounts of advice spewed forth…

A number of my posts over the last couple of weeks have concerned education and curriculum. I met with a couple of the educators here at UCI, to go over these points. I’d like to record these thoughts before they…

Because a friend of mine posted it on Facebook, I ended up watching this video, How Artificial Intelligence Learns From Biological Intelligence (by Evan Ehrenberg) that discusses some introductory machine learning topics. Along the way, the narrator mentioned that children…

Finally, I found something that looks like it could suitably replace LaTeX! It’s called Skribilo and features all of the goodness observed in a previous post about using a Lisp-like syntax instead of that crufty HTML/XML nonsense.

I think there is a trend among the students who perform poorly in class, but fail to show up to office hours to get assistance: I believe they might be suffering from poor study skills. Now, because they don’t show…

I’m still reading the Standards for Our Schools book. I don’t have a rigorous background in literature about learning and education, but what I see so far indicates that incorporating standards into education is analogous to incorporating evidence into your…

I feel like I’m slowly converging on some good ideas that have been floating around long before I noticed them. Again, in the book I’ve been reading, Standards for Our Schools, I came across some good material. The authors were…