Love the RAID

Remember that desktop machine that I assembled way back when? My paranoia led me to arrange the disk layout as follows: 2 drives in a mirror that will hold the primary system, and 4 drives in a RAID 5 for…

Quarter Update

So the quarter finally ended, and I can get back to having a social life over the holidays! The compiler that I wrote was, in my personal opinion, a pathetic failure. Though we were able to generate some x86_64 code…

Xmas for Myself

It’s become somewhat a habit of mine to purchase for myself some sorta technology each Xmas. I’m usually the one to make the purchase myself, because I’m pretty much the only one that knows what I want and need. One…

Ray Comfort is Bananas, Part 2

The last post about Ray being bananas was far too light on the details. So, I thought I’d say a bit more about the ordeal today, while I have some time. Ray operates a ministry in Huntington beach, and can…

Ray Comfort is Bananas

For a couple of months now I’ve know that Ray Comfort plans on distributing a republication of Darwin’s Origin of Species on many North American campuses. I took quite some time out to write a rebuttal to all of the…

A new Quarter

This post is primarily a status update of some stuff that’s been going on in my life. It’s main purpose is to alleviate the personal guilt that I feel for neglecting my post frequency. Over the summer, I had the…

An Atheist Goes to Church

I, together with a group from AAR, went to Voyager’s Church today. I was reminded, in many ways, of why I don’t like Church. The service opened with a song, All Because of Jesus by Casting Crowns (lyrics) I was…

Hitchens vs. Craig

Yesterday, I attended a structured debate between William Lane Craig and The Hitch held at Biola University. As far as anyone can win a debate where the opponents talk mostly at cross-purposes, I’d have to give the trophy to Craig….

The Review Process

Recently I’ve been away at a couple of conferences. I presented a (terrible) poster about information flow at ASPLOS/VEE in Washington D.C. a couple weeks back (Mar 9–13). Then I spent finals week back home creating a new (and much…

Revisiting Cascade

I did an earlier post about finding a decentralized solution to the Cascade Failure problem. I was fortunate enough to explore this topic a bit more in depth by proposing it as my term project for the Distributed Systems class….