Your vote doesn’t count, but it does matter.
Under their current political system, the American chattel have a “civic duty” to voice their opinion about who they want as a representative. Every 4 years potential presidents spend billions on campaigns to excite the plebeians to “get out and…
Notes: Problems with Libertarianism
David Friedman gave a talk Problems with Libertarianism: Hard Problems (and how to avoid them). What rights do you have against a criminal? If your only right is to re-claim the stolen property, then at-worst the thief breaks even. To…
Notes: Copyright
I once participated in a debate about copyright issues, taking the position that copyright is an illegitimate concept. I prepared the following notes prior to the debate. Opening Points Historically founded on governmental systems of control Enforcement requires the interference…
Notes: International Students for Liberty Conference, Matt Zwolinski, How to Talk About Liberty Without Sounding Like a Jerk
Matt runs the Bleeding Heart Libertarians blog. He started off with An Argument: premise: Libertarianism is True observation: most people don’t belive that. conclude: They are either wrong and evil, or they have never heard of it. given people have…
The Absence of Libertarian Countries
Salon has a rousing piece of claptrap provokingly titled The question libertarians just can’t answer. Fortunately, without building up any suspense (which would in this case be correlated with reader annoyance), the author, Michael Lind, comes right out with it:…
Distributed Defense
Recently there has been much brouhaha about 3D printed weapons. Mostly these reactions have been media-generated. Cody Wilson, an enterprising young lad has, for the past year, been perfecting the technical artistry behind the manufacture of a working gun printed…
Notes: The Social Contract
These are my notes from reading Rousseau’s The Social Contract for a libertarian book club meeting. ============================== Book 1. —————————— Preamble. :quote: Born as I was, the citizen of a free state and member of its sovereign body, the very…
Let’s have more Billionaires
I’ve recently come across another missive from Thom Hartmann, that reveals a lack of firm economic grounding. The very title of the article, “Ayn Rand’s Gospel of Selfishness and Billionaire Empowerment is Plaguing America” and it’s subtitle “The United States…
Notes: Washington Economic Privilege
The following are notes concerning Peter Schweizer’s (author of “Throw them all out”) talk on the corrupting influence of politics, given at the Navigating the Politicized Economy Summit in San Diego. Washington D.C. has been the fastest growing city, with…
Anti-libertarian views
Because I get most of my world views from a self-chosen, selective subset of the internet, I’m exposed to a great deal of sycophantic thought. I don’t think it’s a large problem that I read only that which I agree…