Let’s have more Billionaires
I’ve recently come across another missive from Thom Hartmann, that reveals a lack of firm economic grounding. The very title of the article, “Ayn Rand’s Gospel of Selfishness and Billionaire Empowerment is Plaguing America” and it’s subtitle “The United States…
Physics of Wall Street
Yesterday I attended a book talk given by a young professor here in the Philosophy department, James Weatherall, promoting his a recent work, The Physics of Wall Street. James told a rousing good story concerning many famous characters. Each chapter…
Born v. Greenspan
PBS Frontline has produced a show, The Warning which documents the CFTC’s attempt to introduce regulation to avoid a financial crisis brought about by the derivatives market. It cronicles how the three marketeers, Greenspan, Summers, and Rubin successfully shut Born…
Anti-libertarian views
Because I get most of my world views from a self-chosen, selective subset of the internet, I’m exposed to a great deal of sycophantic thought. I don’t think it’s a large problem that I read only that which I agree…
Market-based Medicine
The Capital Account show had an episode: How the market can cure the healthcare crisis, with Dr. Keith Smith. In the show, Dr. Smith demonstrated that his Surgery Center of Oklahoma generates reasonable profits which providing slightly below average cost…
Stack Storage and Garbage Collection
Recently, I ran across Mike Vanier’s page containing his opinions on Scalable Computer Programming Languages. I agree almost entirely with his list: garbage collection no pointers or pointer arithmetic a foreign function interface to the C language static type checking…
Thoughts on Hugo’s Thought Experiment
Dear Hugo Salinas Price, In your article, Second Thoughts on the ‘Thought Experiment, you raised a sequence of 5 items which together form an objection which led you to believe that the Thought Experiment had to “go back to the…
Great Presentations
Back when my interest in teaching was only just a spark on the kindling of my brain, I started to investigate the tricks of communication. Up to that point in my life I had completely underestimated the importance of communication….
Embarrassing Big Brother
I read today an interesting article on Lew Rockwell’s site about one Robert Kahre. He had arranged to pay his employees in gold and silver coin. He arranged for them to all work as private contractors, and paid them absurdly…