Some Travel Tips
Use the Ranger Roll This is the first step in compacting the clothes so they’ll fit in the luggage. When rolling them up, you can also plan for each day (socks, underwear, shirt) as its own roll! At the end…
First trip to Nicaragua
Due to unreasonably heavy traffic in Los Angeles (before the sun came up!) and a slow, cautious driver (my mother), we arrived at the airport after the designated check-in cutoff. I blame the government for subsidizing the car culture and…
Religious Experience
In a piece titled Islam and the Misuses of Ecstasy, Sam Harris takes issue with some atheists about their distance regarding the motivations of religious believers. I, unfortunately, share the perspective that Harris critiques. I once ran into the anthropologist…
Social Game
As a result of some deep procrastination, I’ve been spending far too much time reading junk in the manosphere, which I only recently discovered. These collection of blogs promote topics such as MGTOW (men going their own way), MRA (men’s…
Searching the Job Market
Instead of writing my thesis, I’ve recently been surfing around the net looking for job prospects. Fortunately, I know almost exactly what I want and the reasons why: Desire Reason Small company. Because I’d rather be a large fish in…
Incremental Refinement
I’ve noticed that a great mechanism for learning and improving is via step-wise incremental refinement. I just want to record some of the places in which we can see this underlying (and powerful) approach: Evolution. Each generation represents a random…
On Sunday, I went with some of my friends to enjoy a beer and celebrate Oktoberfest at Alpine Village. When I arrived I was dismayed to find the festivities closely guarded by a squadron of private security decked out in…
Financial Networks
According to The Great Revealing post at Divine Cosmos it seems that Vitali, Glattfelder and Battiston at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich have released a paper [The network of global corporate control] which executes a version of…
Notes: Tiger Parenting
First, notes from an article, Why Chinese Mothers are Superior: Short and to the point, Mother gets to say what the child can and cannot do. With ruthless efficiency, the child’s life is managed so that they can get top…
Student’s Sharing Projects
There was once a legal case where a student, proud of their work in the programming course, posted their solution online. The university (San Jose State) eventually had to give in. Which seems right to me. Especially given the real…