Will the US Experience Hyperinflation?
“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” — Milton Friedman. First, we should observe the circumstances under which hyperinflation can occur. Hard Specie A government using a hard specie such as gold and silver coins, still tends, as a…
Promotion of silver as a form of money
I sent the following letter to Mike Maloney, CEO of GoldSilver and WealthCycles. Let’s see if he answers back. Promotion of silver as a form of money. You and I both share a preference for the GOP candidate Ron Paul,…
Ossified Education
I started reading The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out by Clayton Christensen and Henry Eyring. So far, it re-iterates some of the sentiments that I’ve seen before: Sustaining innovation of the university has…
Embarrassing Big Brother
I read today an interesting article on Lew Rockwell’s site about one Robert Kahre. He had arranged to pay his employees in gold and silver coin. He arranged for them to all work as private contractors, and paid them absurdly…
College Isn’t For Everyone
I’ve been spending a lot of cog cycles processing ways to make money doing education. It’s apparently quite difficult. With statements like There is No Profit in Education, No Competitive Advantage to Better Learning. and posts about Why Education Startups…
Arrow’s voting theorem of Economics
I was in the dining hall, and the TV there had some talking heads babbling about the stock market. I couldn’t really make out what they were saying, but it set the stage in my mind for some other thoughts….
An Infinite Loop in the Economy
I’m not an Economist, but I thought that I’d share a link to a nice article about why we currently face an economic crisis. The Infinite Loan Machine. An examination of the effect of loan securitization on the fractional reserve…
Weekly Summary of Noospheric Echolocutions
This past week I finished my reading of Mandelbrot’s most recent book The (Mis)Behavior of Markets. I actually didn’t like it that much. I found the book to be especially light on details; for a mathematical empiricist Mandelbrot didn’t actually…
Tuition-Free Education
From, My Biased Coin we have an argument for a Tuition Free Harvard. While, this is a really great idea, I don’t think it goes far enough. I actually think that the goal of providing a reputable education at zero…
Figures and Formulas
A long while back, I remember reading about Stallman proposing a change to copyright time. I thought that the setting of a particular figure, and then refining it was an absurd solution. In my opinion a much better solution is…