Hallucinated Abstract
I actually thought this up around sometime in Feb 2007; I had been reading Sipser’s Intro to Computer Science text, and hallucinated the following abstract while drifting off to sleep: This paper presents an isomorphism between the set of problems…
First week at UCI
My first week has been rather nice and relaxing. I’ve got much of my paperwork covered with respect to RAship, ID card, finding shops and stuff around the area. My roomates are cool and mellow (and have similar philosophical/religious views)….
The GNU’s Thumb
Alright, So I’ve been thinking about keeping my home directory in git recently. I have a machine that I can dedicate to storing a ‘master copy’ and I’ve no problem with creating scripts and minor utils to help things along….
Bounding Problution.
Problutions (noun, pl.): the problems that are an inherent part of solution to a very difficult and complex problem. These problems arise from within the solution itself, and are extrinsic to the original problem. Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit…
The Dryer Protocol
I’m becoming increasingly interested in systems engineering, but still don’t really know much about the subject. One thing that I read about recently (though I completely forgot where) was about how to choose a robust cooperation protocol, using the communal…
Weekly Summary of Noospheric Echolocutions
This past week I finished my reading of Mandelbrot’s most recent book The (Mis)Behavior of Markets. I actually didn’t like it that much. I found the book to be especially light on details; for a mathematical empiricist Mandelbrot didn’t actually…
The Importance of Good Documentation
This entire past week I’ve been reading about the MPEG-2 specs. I’ve got some video files that have KLV data stored in the user_data extension of the MPEG stream. So, right off the bat, I tried using ffmpeg‘s avcodec library….
Scope Resolution
I purchased myself a really nice Christmas present: Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming. So far it has been a really nice read. Though I’m not familiar with the Mozart/Oz system that’s used (and conceptually developed) throughout the book,…
Class Inheritance as a cyclic graph
This is a highly speculative idea. Lately, I’ve been dreaming of a system where inheritance would be extremely general. None of this hierarchical nonsense. I’m looking for something with more flexibility. I’m looking for dynamic binding, done as late as…
Composition vs. Inheritance
Ok, so we’ve seen that concurrency and inheritance don’t really mix that well. In fact, they don’t really mix at all. GoF say that we should prefer composition to inheritance. But I’ll be taking the extreme approach and asking “Can…