Axiomatic Law
I was reading some article on Asimov’s 3 Laws, and thought that they have some difficulties. 1. The laws are in english, a language that is inherently ambigious. This ambiguity is difficult for machine implementation, but may imbue the robots…
Math and Occam’s Razor
In discussion with Ben about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, I concluded that the success of mathematical elegance in solutions is a physical manifestation of Occam’s Razor. Indeed, mathematical elegance is to be held above normal logic. As…
Set Theoretic Programming Language
If set theory is the foundation of all mathematics, then why not also programming (which is a kind of constructive mathematics). The closest to that existing today is, of course, Haskell. Don’t neglect the cool multimedia things that it can…
Blasphemous Ideas
I was on the bus and these two old men boarded at a stop and were embroiled in some sorta argument. One was sorta bummish, and was saying “there is no fear, I love everything” while the other, kept repeating…
Grokking Meaning
Thinking is a terrible terrible thing. By insight provided from reading GEB, I am firm in believing that there is no meaning intrinsic to the world. Unfortunately our minds are predisposed to thinking, an act that seeks to create meaning…
Topological Fantasy
There should be a short story or mathematical fantasy book about people that can perform topological transforms on their world simply by thinking through the math. They could fight in topological wars, where quickly finding the inverse is essential to…
The Difference is Zero
What is the difference between nonnegative and positive integers? The element 0. “The difference is 0” is not the same as “There is no difference”.
How to Deconstruct Almost Anything
A techie responds to indecipherable analysis from humanities with sarcastic opening in speech at interdisciplinary conference. Making fun of post-modern deconstructionism is fun!
Illogic Breakthrough
I have made a breakthrough in illogic!! [08:00:38 pm] <FredBarnes2000> I JUST DISCOVERED WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH LOGIC [08:00:57 pm] <FredBarnes2000> the proof by contradiction [08:01:02 pm] <FredBarnes2000> you can’t do that [08:01:22 pm] <FredBarnes2000> you can’t say something…
Decorative Corporate Art
Place a ball of clear, but internally fractured glass (like a giant fried marble) in one of those fountains with a rolling ball atop a water basin. Put a bright focused (laser) light underneath. Watch the erratic light patterns emitted…