Will the US Experience Hyperinflation?
“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” — Milton Friedman. First, we should observe the circumstances under which hyperinflation can occur. Hard Specie A government using a hard specie such as gold and silver coins, still tends, as a…
Promotion of silver as a form of money
I sent the following letter to Mike Maloney, CEO of GoldSilver and WealthCycles. Let’s see if he answers back. Promotion of silver as a form of money. You and I both share a preference for the GOP candidate Ron Paul,…
Expert Tutors
Carl Wieman (who won a Nobel for deepening our understanding of Bose-Einstein condensation) lays out some of the important findings and methodology in his talk “Science Education in the 21st Century: Using the Tools of Science to Teach Science“. In…
Using Science to Teach Science
I’ve recently absorbed American RadioWorks feature on “Tomorrow’s College“. Especially interesting was the program “Don’t Lecture Me, where the story of some physicists gathered data about the learning and understand of their students, only to discover that the traditional lecture…
Apple and Advertising
In the beginning, Apple Computer was a hobby in Job’s garage, advertised through computer hobby magazines. Dedicated hackers were busy building their community, and Apple was one of the hobby friendly architectures. Key here is the small, but critical, start-up…
Business as an Investment
I finished my reading of Mike Maloney’s Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, partially to get an idea of how he got started in the business of bullion. He’s actually had several businesses throughout his life, including one where…
Ossified Education
I started reading The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out by Clayton Christensen and Henry Eyring. So far, it re-iterates some of the sentiments that I’ve seen before: Sustaining innovation of the university has…

Financial Cascade Failure
I’ve been reading quite a bit about the economics of the financial sector, and have come to two interesting conclusions. One is that the fractional reserve and central banking systems are very much akin to a Ponzi scheme; except that…
Embarrassing Big Brother
I read today an interesting article on Lew Rockwell’s site about one Robert Kahre. He had arranged to pay his employees in gold and silver coin. He arranged for them to all work as private contractors, and paid them absurdly…
Abelard to Apple
I heard through the blogosphere about DeMillo’s book Abelard to Apple. I checked it out from the library, because, if I’m to be self-employed as an educator, I thought it would be useful to get an institutional view of the…