The Mind Prison System
In a recent, in-depth, late night/early morning conversation with my friends, I received a maddening and tragic realization about the horror of the state education system. Now, I’m already fully aware of alternative methods of teaching, and the systemic critiques…
Notes: The Social Contract
These are my notes from reading Rousseau’s The Social Contract for a libertarian book club meeting. ============================== Book 1. —————————— Preamble. :quote: Born as I was, the citizen of a free state and member of its sovereign body, the very…
The Commodity Money Myth
Frank Shostak wrote an article about The Bitcoin Money Myth. For an Austrian economist with “over 35 years of experience as a market economist, central bank analyst, and builder of large scale macro-econometric models”[AAS profile], I’m not wholly surprised that…
C++ casting operators
Today in my research, I came across an interesting challenge. I’m editing an older version of JavaScriptCore (JSC), redefining the most basic typedef in the sytem, EncodedJSValue. Previously it was a simple void*, but I need to gift it with…
Notes: Steps to Expatriation by Ron Yoder
Last weekend (Mar 30th) I took a trip down to a fabulous domicile in Fallbrook, CA to hear Ron Yoder talk about his expatriation to Uruguay. Having already authored an article published through The International Man in 2011, Ron agreed…