Flexible Iterators
Java has some odd quirks which make it far more inflexible than it needs to be. For example, many programs have data structures which need to be iterated both forwards and backwards, and some algorithms require treating the first or…
How not to end poverty
In spite of popular belief the rich should not fight poverty by giving away their money to the impoverished. In his show, “The Big Picture”, Thom Hartmann points out that the richest 100 people in the world have enough wealth…
Searching the Job Market
Instead of writing my thesis, I’ve recently been surfing around the net looking for job prospects. Fortunately, I know almost exactly what I want and the reasons why: Desire Reason Small company. Because I’d rather be a large fish in…
Notes: Washington Economic Privilege
The following are notes concerning Peter Schweizer’s (author of “Throw them all out”) talk on the corrupting influence of politics, given at the Navigating the Politicized Economy Summit in San Diego. Washington D.C. has been the fastest growing city, with…
Physics of Wall Street
Yesterday I attended a book talk given by a young professor here in the Philosophy department, James Weatherall, promoting his a recent work, The Physics of Wall Street. James told a rousing good story concerning many famous characters. Each chapter…
Reviewing and Creating Job Applications
Today, the EECS department sent out a mailer which advertises 2 open positions to the Intro to Programming course, which I am teaching. When I asked the department if they had funding for the positions, I included a description specifically…
What I want for Financial Planning software
My finances are currently not that complicated. But, I still want some infographics that depict my budget, expenditures, income, overall asset allocations, etc. I’m not entirely sure how each of these would appear. It might be possible to implement the…